
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-05-11 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪(fǎng)問(wèn):


青島科技大學(xué)機(jī)電工程學(xué)院機(jī)械工程介紹 正文

機(jī)械工程一級(jí)學(xué)科博士研究生培養(yǎng)方案 Training Scheme for Doctorate Degree of Mechanical Engineering First-grade 專(zhuān)業(yè)代碼:0802 學(xué)科門(mén)類(lèi):工學(xué) Code of Specialty: 0802 Department of Discipline: Engineering 一級(jí)學(xué)科:機(jī)械工程 學(xué)分要求:35 學(xué)分 First-grade Discipline: Mechanical Engineering Credit Setting: 35 一、學(xué)科、專(zhuān)業(yè)簡(jiǎn)介 (Disciplines Instruction) 經(jīng)過(guò)近 60 年的建設(shè)和發(fā)展,我校機(jī)械工程學(xué)科已獲得機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)及理論二級(jí)學(xué)科博士點(diǎn)和一級(jí)學(xué)科碩 士學(xué)位授權(quán)點(diǎn),并形成了高分子材料成型加工技術(shù)與設(shè)備的研究、現(xiàn)代設(shè)計(jì)理論與計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)、結(jié)構(gòu) 仿真及可靠性分析與預(yù)測(cè)等多個(gè)穩(wěn)定的研究方向。先后獲得國(guó)家科技進(jìn)步二等獎(jiǎng) 3 項(xiàng),國(guó)家技術(shù)發(fā)明三、 四等獎(jiǎng)各 1 項(xiàng),省部級(jí)科技獎(jiǎng) 20 多項(xiàng),獲得全國(guó)發(fā)明展覽會(huì)金獎(jiǎng) 2 項(xiàng)、銀獎(jiǎng) 1 項(xiàng)。擁有山東省高分子材 料先進(jìn)制造技術(shù)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,山東省“十一五”、“十二五”機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)及理論重點(diǎn)學(xué)科,山東省“十一五”、 “十二五”高分子材料加工機(jī)械強(qiáng)化建設(shè)重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,山東省機(jī)械基礎(chǔ)實(shí)驗(yàn)教學(xué)示范中心 1 個(gè)。本學(xué)科獲 國(guó)家教學(xué)成果二等獎(jiǎng) 2 項(xiàng),擁有國(guó)家級(jí)教學(xué)團(tuán)隊(duì) 1 個(gè),國(guó)家級(jí)人才培養(yǎng)模式創(chuàng)新實(shí)驗(yàn)區(qū) 1 個(gè),國(guó)家特色專(zhuān) 業(yè) 1 個(gè),國(guó)家精品課程 1 門(mén)。本學(xué)科有 1 人榮獲“國(guó)家教學(xué)名師”稱(chēng)號(hào),4 人享受?chē)?guó)務(wù)院特殊津貼,2 人 分別榮獲“化工部山東省勞動(dòng)模范”稱(chēng)號(hào),1 人榮獲“全國(guó)化工行業(yè)優(yōu)秀科技工作者”。 Through 60 years of construction and development, our school’s discipline of mechanical engineering enjoys the authority to launch a Ph. D Program in mechanical design and theory, and a first-grade master program. It has many research directions, such as the research of polymer molding processing technology and equipment, modern design theory and computer-aided design (CAD), structure simulation and reliability analysis and prediction. In this discipline, we have won 3 second prizes for National Award for Science and Technology Progress, 1 third and 1 forth prize for State Technological Invention Award, and more than twenty provincial awards in science and technology, along with 2 golden prizes and 1silver prize in National Invention Exhibition. The discipline also won two second prizes of National Teaching Achievements. We have 1 provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Polymer Materials Manufacturing Technology, 1 Key Laboratory of Mechanical Design and Theory and 1 Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Processing Machinery, both of which are under the 11th and 12th Five-Year Plans Shandong government, and one provincial Model Center for Mechanical Experiment Education. Besides, we have a National Teaching Team, a National Experimental Zone for Innovation for Talent Training Modes, one State-level Specialty, one State-level Quality Course. In addition, one teacher in this disciplined was honored with the title of “National Master Teacher”, 4 teachers enjoyed special allowance from the Chinese State Council, 2 teachers won the honor of “Model worker of ministry of Chemical Industry”, and one won the “outstanding scientific and technological workers in the chemical industry”. 二、培養(yǎng)目標(biāo)(Objectives of Training) 1、熱愛(ài)祖國(guó),遵紀(jì)守法,樹(shù)立正確的世界觀(guān)、人生觀(guān)和價(jià)值觀(guān),具有良好的道德品質(zhì)和學(xué)術(shù)修養(yǎng), 有從事科學(xué)研究的獻(xiàn)身精神、合作精神和創(chuàng)新精神。 Love the motherland; abide by the laws and regulations; establish correct world outlook, philosophy and viewpoint of value; have good moral character and academic accomplishment; have the spirit of dedication, cooperation and innovation to engage in scientific research. 2、掌握本學(xué)科堅(jiān)實(shí)寬廣的基礎(chǔ)理論和系統(tǒng)的專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí),全面深入了解本學(xué)科有關(guān)研究領(lǐng)域現(xiàn)狀、發(fā)展方 向及國(guó)際學(xué)術(shù)前沿,具備靈活應(yīng)用所學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè)知識(shí)獨(dú)立從事科學(xué)研究、教學(xué)工作、工程技術(shù)或相關(guān)管理
工作的能力,并在本學(xué)科領(lǐng)域的某一方面理論或?qū)嵺`上取得創(chuàng)新性研究成果。 Master firm and broad basic theory and systematic expertise; understand the status quo, the development and international academic forefront of this field in depth; use the professional knowledge flexibly to carry out scientific research, and to engage in teaching, management, engineering or related work independently; obtain innovative research results on a certain aspect whether of theory or of practice in this field. 3、至少能熟練使用一門(mén)外語(yǔ)進(jìn)行交流和寫(xiě)作。 Master at least one foreign language to communicate and writing fluently. 4.具有健康的體魄。 Have a strong physique. 三、學(xué)制及學(xué)習(xí)年限(Educational System and Length of Schooling) 全日制博士研究生的學(xué)制為 3~4 學(xué)年,課程學(xué)習(xí)不多于 1 學(xué)年,論文工作不少于 2 學(xué)年。博士生 課程學(xué)習(xí)實(shí)行學(xué)分制,在學(xué)期間應(yīng)修 35 學(xué)分, 其中修課學(xué)分 12,研究環(huán)節(jié)學(xué)分 21,并可根據(jù)實(shí)際情 況允許研究生提前或延期畢業(yè)。非全日制攻讀博士學(xué)位的學(xué)習(xí)年限一般不超過(guò) 5 學(xué)年。 The basic length of schooling for full-time doctor postgraduate student shall be three to four years, the length of curriculum is not more than one year, and the time of thesis writing is at least two years. The program is carried out with the credit system. The total credits required are 35 including 12 credits for courses and 21 credits for the research links. According to the actual situation, the full-time doctor postgraduate students are allowed to graduate in advance or ask for extension. Usually, the basic length of schooling for part-time Ph.D degree study is limited to be less than 5 years. 
課程教學(xué)(Course Teaching) 研究生課程實(shí)行學(xué)分制,博士生課程分為學(xué)位課和非學(xué)位課兩部分,每個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)應(yīng)積極創(chuàng)造條件逐步做 到至少有一門(mén)專(zhuān)業(yè)課用外語(yǔ)講授。每位研究生在學(xué)期間應(yīng)修滿(mǎn)最低限度要求的學(xué)分,方能進(jìn)入中期考核。 Credit system is applied in postgraduate courses, and doctoral courses are divided into degree courses and non-degree courses. Every major should try to offer at least one specialized course taught in a foreign language. Each postgraduate can be allowed to enter into the medium-term assessment only if he completes required credits during the study period at school. 研究生課程的教學(xué)方法應(yīng)建立以研究生為主體的教學(xué)方式,充分發(fā)揮研究生的主動(dòng)性和自覺(jué)性,更 多地采用啟發(fā)式、研討式及參與式的教學(xué)方法。課程考核分考試與考查,除博士生政治外,學(xué)位公共課一 律進(jìn)行閉卷考試。學(xué)位基礎(chǔ)課、學(xué)位專(zhuān)業(yè)課采取閉、開(kāi)卷考試與考查相結(jié)合的方式。 The teaching of postgraduate course should take the postgraduates as the body. In order to bring the initiative and consciousness of postgraduates into full play, the heuristic, seminar-style and participatory teaching method should be applied. Course examination falls into examination and elective courses test. Except the politics for doctor postgraduates, all the common-degree courses generally adopt examination with closed paper. The basic degree courses and specialized degree courses adopt a combination of examination with closed and opened paper and evaluation. 七、論文的要求(Dissertation Requirements) 學(xué)位論文工作是全面培訓(xùn)博士生樹(shù)立嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)目茖W(xué)作風(fēng)、掌握科學(xué)研究的基本方法和培養(yǎng)獨(dú)立工作能力 的重要環(huán)節(jié)。 Dissertation work is an important link of comprehensive training doctor to set up strict scientific style、grasps the essential method of scientific research and cultivating the independent work ability. 在掌握本門(mén)學(xué)科堅(jiān)實(shí)寬廣的基礎(chǔ)理論和系統(tǒng)深入的專(zhuān)門(mén)知識(shí)的基礎(chǔ)上,要求博士生采用先進(jìn)技術(shù)、設(shè) 備、方法、信息,進(jìn)行論文研究工作;論文要求分析方法科學(xué),引證資料豐富、準(zhǔn)確;博士論文研究難度 大,工作量飽滿(mǎn);論文研究工作應(yīng)著重培養(yǎng)博士生具有很強(qiáng)的獨(dú)立從事科學(xué)研究工作的能力和開(kāi)拓創(chuàng)新的 能力。On the basis of master firm and broad basic theory and deep expertise of respective disciplines, taking advanced technology, equipment, methods, information to carry out thesis research; the dissertation required that analysis method is scientific and cited material is rich and accurate; and research of the dissertation is very difficult and workload is full. And dissertation research work should be paid great attention to train and improve stronger independent work ability and the development innovation ability. 學(xué)位論文題目應(yīng)在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下,博士生在一級(jí)學(xué)科范圍內(nèi)作選題。論文選題應(yīng)著重選擇對(duì)國(guó)民經(jīng)濟(jì)和
本科學(xué)發(fā)展具有實(shí)用價(jià)值或理論意義的課題,應(yīng)具有先進(jìn)性。 The dissertation topic should be determined under the Tutor’s instruction,and should be selected in the first-level discipline scope by doctor. Dissertation selected topic should focus on subjects that have useful value or theory significance to the national economy and this scientific progress, and should have advanced nature. 博士生應(yīng)在導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下制定論文工作計(jì)劃,計(jì)劃經(jīng)導(dǎo)師和研究室審核同意后實(shí)施。在學(xué)位論文工作期 間,研究生部(處)和學(xué)院定期組織檢查,由博士生本人匯報(bào)階段性論文工作。學(xué)位論文必須由博士生在 導(dǎo)師指導(dǎo)下獨(dú)立完成。要求數(shù)據(jù)真實(shí),理論正確、思路清晰,對(duì)所研究專(zhuān)業(yè)和方向的最新成就有所了解, 對(duì)所研究的課題有新的見(jiàn)解和研究成果。如發(fā)現(xiàn)有利用論文代寫(xiě)、買(mǎi)賣(mài)論文、抄襲或剽竊等不道德、不誠(chéng) 實(shí)的行為或手段,來(lái)達(dá)到其非法取得學(xué)歷、學(xué)位者,將按相關(guān)條例追究其責(zé)任。按照《中華人民共和國(guó)學(xué) 位條例》和《青島科技大學(xué)博士學(xué)位授予工作細(xì)則》的規(guī)定和要求進(jìn)行學(xué)位論文評(píng)閱和答辯,答辯通過(guò)者, 經(jīng)二級(jí)學(xué)院學(xué)位評(píng)定分委員會(huì)討論通過(guò),報(bào)校學(xué)位評(píng)定委員會(huì)批準(zhǔn),授予博士學(xué)位。 Dissertation work plan should be worked out by doctor under his or her Tutor’s instruction, carried out after Tutor and laboratory verification agreement. During the time of dissertation work, the Postgraduate Division (Department) and college organize check regularly; the doctor reports his phased dissertation work by himself. Dissertation must be finished under Tutor’s instruction by doctor independently. The requirements are real data, theory correct, clear thinking, understanding the latest achievement of his researched professional and direction, having new ideas and research results on study of his subject. If one postgraduate is dictated that he wants to get academic credentials and degree illegally by some immoral or dishonesty ways like substituted thesis, trade thesis, copy or plagiarism, he will be affixed the responsibility according to the relevant regulations. Review dissertation and make graduation oral examination according to the law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations and the Requirements of Doctor Degree awarded work detailed rules of Qingdao university of science and technology, the postgraduate who passes graduation oral examination through the discussion of Secondary College Degree Assessment Points Committee, after be reported to and approved by School Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, will be awarded a Doctor degree.


青島科技大學(xué)考研公眾號(hào) 考研派小站公眾號(hào)

