





武漢科技大學資源與環(huán)境工程學院研究生招生是一個不錯的學院,深受考研人的追捧,本校每年會有數(shù)千名研究生招生的名額,研究生報考錄取比在3:1左右,難度中等,部分熱門的研究生專業(yè)研究生報考錄取比會更高一點, 資源與環(huán)境工程學院是學校里比較好的一個院系,請各位準備報考武漢科技大學資源與環(huán)境工程學院研究生招生的同學注意,該院系有以上多個專業(yè)在招生研究生,歡迎各位同學報考武漢科技大學資源與環(huán)境工程學院研究生招生。


武漢科技大學資源與環(huán)境工程學院研究生招生 環(huán)境工程專業(yè)培養(yǎng)方案
Curriculum for Undergraduate of Environmental Engineering Major
I.Training objectives
This major trains undergraduate students to be high-quality applied talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor, who have the ability of engineering practice and innovation. Students need to grasp basic theoretical knowledge, skill and specialized knowledge of environmental engineering. With the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, practical ability and international vision, students will be qualified for design and operation of pollution control engineering, environmental assessment, environmental management, education and research etc. in environmental protection and related fields. Graduates of this major are supposed to achieve the following aims in about five years:
1.Having good humanistic quality and excellent moralities, good language expression and communication skills, team spirit and cooperation spirit.
2.Mastering basic theory and professional knowledge of environmental engineering, and acquiring the skills of environmental engineering design, engineering drawing, engineering construction, product exploitation, operation and management of environmental protection facilities.
3.The abilities of monitoring and analysis of pollutant, environmental assessment, planning and management. Be willing to make innovation practice and having an ability to serve for the society.
4.Having a sense of lifelong learning and the ability to keep on learning and adapting to development.
5. Having certain international vison and good ability to use foreign language.
1.Engineering knowledge: grasping mathematics, natural science, engineering basic and professional knowledge, and using them to solve complex problems of environmental engineering.
2.Problem analysis: being able to use the fundamentals of mathematics, natural science and engineering science to identify and analyze complex environmental engineering problems by literatures and acquire valid conclusions.
3.Designing and exploiting solution: being able to use the fundamentals and technological means of environmental engineering to design solution of complex problems with consciousness of innovation. Considering the factors of society, health, safety, law, culture and environment et al. in the processing.
4.Experimental design and information processing: being able to study complex environmental engineering problems with scientific principle and method, including experiment design, data analysis and explanation, and acquire valid conclusion by synthetical information.
5.Application of modern tools: being able to develop, choose and use proper technology, resources, modern engineering tool and information technology tool to solve complex environmental engineering problems, including forecast and simulation of the problems, and understand their limitation.
6.The social responsibility awareness of engineer: being able to analyze and assess the influence of solution of environmental engineering practice and complex problems on society, health, safety, law and culture based on environmental background knowledge, and understand the responsibilities.
7.Environment and sustainable development: being able to understand and assess the influence of environmental engineering practice on environmental and social sustainable development.
8.Professional moral and standard: having humanistic social and scientific literacy and social responsibility. Being able to understand and obey professional ethics and standard of environmental engineering.
9.Teamwork: being able to be individual, team member and manager in a group with multidisciplinary background.
10.Communication: being able to communicate complex environmental engineering problems with public, including report writing, manuscript design and statement. Having an international view and being able to communicate in cross-cultural fields.
11.Project management: having the ability of organization and management. Being able to understand and master principle of engineering management and economic decision-making method, and use them.
12.Lifelong learning: having the awareness of self-study and lifelong study, and the ability of continuous learning and adapting development.
Curriculum for Undergraduate of Geographic Information Science Major
I.Training objectives
    This major trains undergraduate students to be the high quality practical talents with all around development of moral, intellectual,  aesthetics, labor education and have reasonable knowledge structure, strong social adaptability, rich practical ability, strong innovation and entrepreneurship in line with national economic construction and social development needs. The graduated students must have a solid natural science foundation, good humanities and certain international vision, master the basic knowledge, theories and skills of 3S technology, and can engage in spatial data collection and analysis, geographic information service, system development and design in the fields of resource management, environmental protection, urban and rural construction, transportation, and disaster monitoring. The graduated students are expected to achieve the following objectives in about five years:
1. Having a solid foundation in mathematics, natural science and the ability to use them, and having good humanistic quality, social responsibility and professional ethics.
2. Having professional knowledge and skills in 3S field, and can be competent in geospatial information collection, analysis, processing and geographic information system development, design, modeling, maintenance and technical management.
3. Having the ability to work as a team or independently to solve complex engineering problems in GIS, and becoming a technical or management backbone.
4. Having the ability of lifelong learning and adaptation to development, and can apply geographic information technology to resources and environment, urban and rural construction, transportation, disaster monitoring and other fields and keep expanding.
5. Having a strong professional communication ability and broad international vision, and can be competent in international communication and cooperation in the field of geographic information science.
1. Professional ethics: having a good professional ethics and the consciousness of abiding by relevant national laws and regulations in the collection and application of geographic information.
2. Professional knowledge: having a solid knowledge of mathematics, geography and computer science and a broad foundation of natural science; mastering basic knowledge and basic theory of 3S technology.
3. Professional skills: having the ability of geographic spatial information collection, analysis, processing and geographic information system development and design, the ability to identify, express and analyze complex geographic information scientific problems, and the ability to design, optimize and model geographic information system schemes according to industry requirements.
4. Scientific research: having the spirit of scientific exploration, and can carry out experimental design, data analysis and interpretation for complex problems of geographic information science, and having the ability to obtain the reasonable and effective conclusions.
5. Modern tools: mastering 2 newly developed and programming languages, having basic programming abilities of machine learning and big data mining, having the ability to analyze, predict and simulate complex problems in geographic information science with modern tools, and understanding their limitations.
6. Humanistic literacy: having humanistic and social science literacy and the concept of sustainable development, and understanding the safety, environment and social responsibility that should be undertaken in the practice of geographic information engineering.
7. Communication and collaboration: having international vision and the ability of professional communication, teamwork, organization and management, and can be competent in cross-cultural communication and cooperation.
8. Lifelong learning: having the ability to accept new knowledge, theories and technologies, as well as having the spirit of continuous learning and adaptation to development.
Curriculum for Undergraduate of Mining Engineering Major
1. 具備良好的人文社會科學素養(yǎng)、社會責任感和職業(yè)道德,能夠在金屬非金屬礦床開采中注重環(huán)境保護、安全生產(chǎn)和可持續(xù)發(fā)展。
2. 具備厚實的自然科學基礎(chǔ)知識、采礦工程專業(yè)知識和獨立解決復雜工程問題的能力,能夠承擔金屬非金屬礦床開采領(lǐng)域的規(guī)劃與咨詢、工藝系統(tǒng)設(shè)計與優(yōu)化、生產(chǎn)施工與管理等工作。
3. 具備開闊的國際視野和創(chuàng)新能力,能夠持續(xù)關(guān)注國內(nèi)外金屬非金屬礦床開采及相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的前沿動態(tài)和發(fā)展趨勢,并針對工程實際問題開展科學研究。
4. 具備團隊合作精神和良好的溝通、協(xié)調(diào)、領(lǐng)導能力,能夠在多學科背景下?lián)喂こ添椖繄F隊負責人或自主創(chuàng)業(yè)。
5. 具備終身學習和不斷發(fā)展的能力,能夠適應(yīng)水利工程、道路工程和城市地下工程等相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的工作。
I. Training objectives
This major trains students who adapt the needs of national economic and technological development, and have a good sense of communication and cooperation, good humanistic literacy and a certain international vision. It educates students to master solid natural science knowledge, professional skills and research methods, to be familiar with the basic principle of solid mineral exploitation, and to possess the ability of mineral deposit administration, and technical management and design. Graduates potentially engage in planning, production operation and management, engineering design and construction, technological research and development in the field of metallic and non-metallic deposits mining and mine safety. The major fosters high-quality practical talents with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor with a rational knowledge structure, strong social adaptability, practical ability and innovative entrepreneurship. Based on their knowledge, abilities and qualities and with five years of social practice after graduation, the graduates are expected to:
1. Possess a good humanities and Social Sciences literacy, social responsibility and professional ethics and can pay attention to environmental protection, safe production and sustainable development in the mining of metallic and non-metallic deposits.
2. Solidly master the fundamental knowledge of natural science and the professional knowledge of mining engineering, and possess the ability to solve complex engineering problems independently, and can undertake planning and consultation, process system design and optimization, production construction and management in the field of metallic and non-metallic deposit mining.
3. Possess a strong scientific research ability and broad international vision, and can become technical experts to solve the complex engineering problems in metallic and non-metallic deposits mining and related fields. 
4. Have a good ability of teamwork spirit, innovation and entrepreneurship and are able to act as project team leaders or self-employed in a multi-disciplinary context.
5. Possess the ability of lifelong learning and continuous development, can adapt to the work of water conservancy engineering, road engineering and urban underground engineering and other related fields.
1. 職業(yè)規(guī)范:具有良好的人文社會科學素養(yǎng)、社會責任感,能夠在金屬非金屬礦床開采及相關(guān)工程實踐中理解并遵守職業(yè)道德和規(guī)范,履行責任。 
2. 工程知識與項目管理:能夠?qū)?shù)學、自然科學、工程基礎(chǔ)、經(jīng)濟決策方法、工程管理原理與采礦工程專業(yè)知識相結(jié)合,解決金屬非金屬礦床開采領(lǐng)域中的復雜工程問題。 
3. 問題分析與設(shè)計解決方案:具有識別、表達和分析金屬非金屬礦床開采復雜工程問題的能力,能夠進行金屬非金屬礦床開采工藝系統(tǒng)設(shè)計、優(yōu)化和創(chuàng)新。 
4. 研究:能夠基于科學原理和方法對金屬非金屬礦床開采復雜工程問題進行研究,包括設(shè)計實驗、分析與解釋數(shù)據(jù),并通過信息綜合得到合理有效的結(jié)論。 
5. 使用現(xiàn)代工具:能夠應(yīng)用現(xiàn)代信息技術(shù)和系統(tǒng)工程方法對金屬非金屬礦床開采復雜工程問題進行分析、預(yù)測和模擬,并能夠理解其局限性。 
6. 工程與社會、環(huán)境和可持續(xù)發(fā)展:能夠分析和評價金屬非金屬礦床開采活動與社會、健康、安全、法律、文化、環(huán)境以及可持續(xù)發(fā)展的相互影響,并理解應(yīng)承擔的責任。
7. 個人、團隊及有效溝通:具備專業(yè)表達、溝通、團隊協(xié)作和組織管理能力,具有國際視野,能夠進行多學科、跨文化交流與合作。 
II. Requirements
1. Professional norms: Graduates have a good humanistic and social scientific literacy, social responsibility, and can understand and abide by professional ethics and norms in the mining of metallic and non-metallic deposits and related engineering practice, and fulfill responsibilities.
2. Engineering knowledge and project management: Graduates can combine the expertise of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering foundation, economic decision-making methods, engineering management principles and mining engineering expertise to solve complex engineering problems in the field of metallic and non-metallic deposit mining.
3. Problem Analysis and Design Solutions: Graduates have the ability to identify, express and analyze complex engineering problems in the mining of metallic and non-metallic deposits, and can design, optimize and reform the mining process system of metallic and non-metallic deposits.
4. Research: Graduates can study the complex engineering problems of metallic and non-metallic deposits based on scientific principles and methods, including designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.
5. Use modern tools: Graduates have the ability to apply modern information technology and systems engineering methods to analyze, predict and simulate complex engineering problems in metallic and non-metallic deposits, and can understand its limitations.
6. Engineering and Society, Environment and Sustainable Development: Graduates have the ability to analyze and evaluate the interaction of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits with social, environmental and sustainable development and can understand the responsibilities to be undertaken.
7. Individual, team and effective communication: Graduates have professional communication, teamwork and organizational management skills, possess an international vision, and can conduct cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation.
8. Lifelong learning: Graduates have an awareness of self-directed learning and lifelong learning, the ability to continuously learn, and adapt to development.
I.Training objectives
This major education can satisfy the need of socialist market economy construction, develop in morality, intelligence and physique etc., possess social professional quality, communication and cooperation, international view, learning and innovation consciousness, understand the development of safety science and engineering discipline, master the theory and technology of safety production, industrial ventilation and dust prevention, fire safety technology and method, safety emergency management and occupational safety and health related basic theories, professional knowledge and basic skills, good at application of modern information and management technology. The graduate will become high quality applied talents in the field of safety science, risk identification and evaluation, security technology research and design, safety supervision and management, safety inspection and monitoring, safety education and training, emergency management and rescue. After five years, graduates will achieve the following goals:
Graduates of this major are supposed to achieve the following aims after five years:
1. Possessing basic knowledge of mathematical and natural science, good humanistic accomplishment, social responsibility and professional ethics.
2. Mastering the basic theory and professional knowledge in the field of safety science and engineering, and having the innovative consciousness and engineering practice ability in safety technology and engineering design, safety management and training, safety assessment, fire risk assessment, etc.
3. Having well expression and communication ability, as well as teamwork and organizational management skills, and being able to be a core member or a leader in a team.
4. Being competitive in the fields of safety management, occupational health, safety assessment, fire risk assessment, etc, and are qualified to further study after the graduation.
5. Having a sense of lifelong learning and development adaptive ability.
6. Having the ability of international vision, communication and cooperation.
1. Engineering knowledge: With the ability of using mathematics, natural sciences, basic and professional knowledge in engineering to solve complex engineering problems in the field of safety engineering.
2. Problem analysis: Identifying, expressing, and analyzing the complex engineering problems in safety engineering area with the literature research methods to obtain effective conclusions, basing on the application of basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering science.
3. Design / develop solutions: Providing solutions solve the complex problems in the field of safety engineering. Designing systems, units (components) or processes meet specific needs. With the ability of embodying innovation awareness as well as the factors of society, health, safety, law, culture, environment, etc, in the designing process.
4. Experimental design and information processing: Researching complex engineering problems in the field of safety engineering by scientific methods based on scientific principles, including experiments designing, data analysis and interpretation, to obtain reasonable and effective conclusions through comprehensive information analysis.
5. Using modern tools: With the ability of developing, selecting and using appropriate technologies, resources, modern engineering tools, information technology tools to solve complex engineering issues in the field of safety engineering, including the prediction and simulation of complex engineering problems and understanding its limitation.
6. Engineers’ sense of social responsibility: With the ability of making reasonable analysis based on the relevant engineering background,  to evaluate the impact of the engineering practice and complex engineering solutions in the field of safety engineering on society, health, safety, legal and culture as well as understanding the corresponding responsibility.
7. Environment and sustainable development: With the ability of understanding and evaluating the impact of safety engineering and related professional engineering practices of complex engineering problems on the environmental and social sustainable development.
8. Professional ethics and norms:With high sense of humanities and social science literacy, social responsibility, understanding and observing engineering ethics and norms in safety engineering and related engineering practice. 
9. Individual and team:Be able to play a role as a team member or a team manager in multi-disciplinary environment.
10. Communication:Be able to communicate effectively with industry peers and the public on complex engineering issues in the field of safety engineering, including writing reports, designing documents, presenting statements, clearly expressing or responding to directives.  Communicating and exchanging ideas within the cross-cultural background with international perspective.
11. Project management:With the ability of understanding and mastering the management principles and economic decision-making methods in the field of safety engineering, and be able to apply them in multi-disciplinary environment.
12.Lifelong time learning:With the sense of independent learning and lifelong time learning awareness, as well as the continuous learning and development adaptive ability.





















